eCOA digitisation: how to optimise licensing & screenshot review for faster turnaround times
In this blog, Mapi Research Trust presents solutions to help streamline the eCOA licensing and screenshot review process, with the goal of leading to faster turnaround times.
PROs: A Critical Component in the Development of Patient-Centered Treatments
This blog presents Patient-Reported Outcomes, the different reasons why they should be considered in clinical trials, and the challenges and considerations when implementing PROs.
COAs 101: Going Back to Basics
This blog gives insights on Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) and how they can enhance your study's impact, improve patient outcomes and more.
FDA & EMA COA qualification programs
In this blog, Mapi Research Trust presents regulators’ opinions which can facilitate COA selection in drug development.
eCOA implementation: how to ensure equivalency with the COA paper version
This blog presents the rigorous process to ensure the equivalency between electronic and paper versions, and the validity of the data electronically collected, based on the eCOA best practices.
Clinical Outcome Assessments' copyright
This blog gives you keys to understand the copyright, how to obtain permission to use a COA, and what rights are granted with a license to use a COA.