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- Acceptance/Adherence/Satisfaction
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- 2018. Lambert J et al. – Assessing patients’ acceptance of their medication to reveal unmet needs: Results from a large multi-diseases study using a patient online community
- 2017. Svedbom A et al. Persistence with golimumab in immune-mediated rheumatic diseases: A systematic review of real-world evidence in rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis
- 2017. Arnould et al. – Item Reduction, Scoring, and First Validation of the ACCEPTance by the Patients of their Treatment (ACCEPT©) Questionnaire
- 2016. Cassuto et al. – Adherence to and acceptance of once-daily tacrolimus after kidney and liver transplant: Results from OSIRIS, a French observational study
- 2016. Dalén J et al. – Treatment persistence among patients with immune-mediated rheumatic disease newly treated with subcutaneous TNF-alpha inhibitors and costs associated with non-persistence
- 2014. Gilet H et al. – Measuring patients’ satisfaction with their anti-TNF treatment in severe Crohn’s disease: Scoring and psychometric validation of the satisfaction for patients in Crohn’s disease questionnaire (SPACE-Q)
- 2013. Higashi K et al. – Medication adherence in schizophrenia: Factors influencing adherence and consequences of non-adherence, a systematic literature review
- 2013. Medic G et al. – Dosing frequency and adherence in chronic psychiatric disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- 2012. Regnault et al. – Validation of the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication in patients with cystic fibrosis
- 2012. Marant C et al. – Long-term treatment acceptance: What is it and how can it be assessed?
- 2012. Breuil V et al. – Validation of the adherence evaluation of osteoporosis treatment (ADEOS) questionnaire for osteoporotic post-menopausal women
- 2012. Dias-Barbosa C et al. – A literature review to explore the link between treatment satisfaction and adherence, compliance and persistence
- 2011. Rofail D et al. – Treatment satisfaction instruments for different purposes during a product’s lifecycle: Keeping the end in mind
- 2011. Marant C et al. – Assessing patients’ satisfaction with anti-TNFalpha treatment in Crohn’s disease: Qualitative steps of the development of a new questionnaire
- 2010. Nordmann JP et al. – Identification of noncompliant glaucoma patients using Bayesian networks and the Eye-Drop Satisfaction Questionnaire
- 2010. Colin J et al. – Assessment of patient satisfaction with outcomes of and ophthalmic care for cataract surgery
- 2010. Berdeaux G et al. – Measuring benefits and patients’ satisfaction when glasses are not needed after cataract and presbyopia surgery: Scoring and psychometric validation of the Freedom from Glasses Value Scale (FGVS©)
- 2010. Reygrobellet C et al. – Perception and acceptance of intradermal influenza vaccination: Patient reported outcomes from phase 3 clinical trials
- 2010. Bredart A et al. – Patient satisfaction instruments for cancer clinical research or practice
- 2010. Cochener B et al. – Spectacle independence and subjective satisfaction of ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens after cataract or presbyopia surgery in two European countries
- 2009. Spire B et al. – Simplification and first validation of a short battery of patient questionnaires for clinical management of HIV-infected patients: The HIV-SQUAD (Symptom QUality of life ADherence) questionnaire®
- 2009. Prins MH et al. – Multinational development of a questionnaire assessing patient satisfaction with anticoagulant treatment: The ‘Perception of Anticoagulant Treatment Questionnaire’ (PACT-Q)
- 2009. Chevat C et al. – Development and psychometric validation of a self-administered questionnaire assessing the acceptance of influenza vaccination: the Vaccinees’ Perception of Injection (VAPI©) questionnaire
- 2009. Rofail D et al. – Satisfaction and adherence in patients with iron overload receiving iron chelation therapy as assessed by a newly developed patient instrument
- 2009. Prins MH et al. – Scoring and psychometric validation of the Perception of Anticoagulant Treatment Questionnaire (PACT-Q©)
Posters & Presentations
- 2017- ASH Annual Meeting – Health related quality of life and satisfaction of children with severe hemophilia A treated with Turoctocog Alfa pegol (N8-GP)
- 2017. ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting – Preliminary results related to psychometric features of a new methotrexate (MTX)-specific adherence tool for use in the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Results from an online patient community
- 2017. ISPOR European Congress – BEST PODIUM AWARD: Exploring factors explaining treatment acceptance in patients suffering from a chronic disease
- 2017. ISPOR European Congress – Adherence issues in rheumatoid arthritis treatment: How can acceptance measurement help understanding patients’ concerns and working on solutions?
- 2017. ISPOR European Congress – Adherence issues in multiple sclerosis treatment: How can acceptance measurement help understanding patients’ concerns and working on solutions?
- 2017. ISPOR European Congress – Adherence issues in diabetes treatment: How can acceptance measurement help understanding patients’ concerns and working on solutions?
- 2017. DIA Annual Meeting – Did you get why patients accept (or not) their long-term treatment? Results from an EU study via Carenity Social Platform
- 2017. ISPOR Annual International Meeting – How does measurement of multiple medication adherence differ betweeen chronic diseases?
- 2017. Journée de neurologie de Langue Française (JNLF) – Facteurs associés à l’acceptance d’un traitement par interferon beta-1a intramusculaire chez des patients souffrant de sclérose en plaques: Résultats de l’étude ADOPTE
- 2016. ISPOR Annual European Congress – Patients’ Acceptance and Adherence of Their Medication: Results from An European Multi-Disease Study with Online Patient Community
- 2016. ECTRIMS – Factors Associated with Acceptance to Intramuscular Interferon b-1a in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Results from the ADOPTE study
- 2015. ISPOR European Congress – Methotrexate Adherence Questionnaire: A New Tool to Assess Adherence in Patients Treated with Methotrexate
- 2015. EAHAD Annual Congress – Satisfaction of Young Adults with Haemophilia A Previously Treatment with Prophylaxis and Switching to Prophylactic Treatment with Recombinant Factor VIII Turoctocog Alfa
- 2015. EAHAD Annual Congress – Quality of Life and Satisfaction of Adults with Haemophilia A Switched to Prophylactic Treatment with Recombinant Factor VIII Turoctocog Alfa
- 2014. ISPOR European Congress – How can Patient Online Communities Inform Industry About Barriers to Medication Acceptance and Unmet Needs? Lessons Learned from a French Multi-Diseases Study Using a Patient Online Community
- 2014. ISPOR European Congress – Accept® Questionnaire: Relation between Acceptance and Compliance in Liver- and Kidney-Transplanted Patients Converted to Once-Daily Tacrolimus
- 2014. ISPOR European Congress – Patients’ acceptance of their medication: Results from a French multi-diseases study with patient online community using the acceptance by the patients of their treatment (ACCEPT®) questionnaire
- 2013. ISPOR European Congress – A Systematic Review of Patients’ Treatment Satisfaction and/or Preference Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Used in Clinical Trials
- 2013. ISPOR European Congress – Validation of ACCEPT®, A New Generic Measure to Assess How Patients with Chronic Diseases Balance Between the Advantages and Disadvantages of Following the Recommended Treatment Regimen in Real-Life
- 2012. ISPOR European Congress – Development of a Patient Adherence Specific Scale for Use in the Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients
- 2012. ISPOR European Congress – Adherence as a Differentiating Factor in the Appraisal of New Treatments: Should Economic Evaluation Consider Whether Patients Take their Treatment Appropriately?
- 2012. ISOQOL Annual Conference – Improving Adherence through Effective Patient-Physician Communication and Personalized Medicine
- 2012. ISPOR Annual International Meeting – Instruments Measuring Treatment Adherence and Compliance in Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review
- 2011. ISPOR European Congress – Evaluation of the Measurement Properties of the Antihypertensive Adherence Survey
- 2011. ISPOR European Congress – Validation of a Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measure and a Clinician-Reported Outcome (CRO) Measure to Assess Satisfaction and Preference with Pharmalogical Stress Agents for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI)
- 2011. ISOQOL Annual Conference – Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure and A Clinician-Reported Outcome Measure to Assess Satisfaction and Preference with Pharmacological Stress Agents for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
- 2011. ISPOR Annual International Meeting – Content Validity and Health Care Systems: A Case Study
- 2010. ISPOR European Congress – Treatment Satisfaction Instruments for Different Purposes During a Product’s Lifecycle – Keeping the End in Mind
- 2010. ISPOR European Congress – The Missing Piece between Treatment Experience and Intention to Persist: Testing the Internal Consistency Reliability and Predictive Validity of Acceptability
- 2010. ISOQOL Annual Conference – Is it Necessary to Adapt the UK English Original of the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQs) before Use in Other Countries?
- 2010. ISPOR Asia-Pacific Conference – Content and Psychometric Validity of the Eyelash Satisfaction Questionnaire (ESQ) in China
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress- Perception and Acceptance of Intradermal Influenza Vaccine Measured by the Vaccinee’s Perception on Injection (VAPI©) Questionnaire
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress – Assessing Patient Adherence for a Positive Change in Health Behaviour
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress – Perception and Acceptance of Intradermal Influenza Vaccine Measured by the Vaccinee’s Perception on Injection (VAPI©) Questionnaire
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress – Development of the ACCEPT© Questionnaire to Assess Acceptability of Long Term Treatments: Qualitative Steps
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress – Development of a Questionnaire to Evaluate Treatment Satisfaction of Patients with Severe Crohn’s Disease: Qualitative Steps
- 2009. ISPOR European Congress – Assessing Treatment Satisfaction During a Product’s Lifecycle to Facilitate Market Access: Definitions, Frameworks, and Measurement
- 2011. ISPOR European Congress – What Does Acceptability Mean for Patients and How Should it Be Measured? Qualitative Steps for the Development of a New Measurement Instrument in Pharmacies
- 2008. ISPOR European Congress – Scoring and Psychometric Properties of the Eye-Drop Satisfaction Questionnaire (EDSQ)
- 2008. ISPOR European Congress – Identifying Compliant Glaucoma Patients Using the EDSQ, A Questionnaire Measuring Satisfation and Compliance of Glaucoma Treatment
- 2008. ISPOR European Congress – Satisfaction with Iron Chelation Therapy is Associated with Improved Quality of Life in Patients with Iron Overload
- 2008. ISPOR European Congress – Development of a Specific Tool to Evaluate Women’s Adherence to Osteoporosis Treatment
- 2008. ISPOR European Congress – The Contribution of the Measurement of Treatment Acceptability to Understand Patients’ Adherence to Long-Term Treatments. Results from a Feasability Study Conducted with In Fine Pharma®: A Community-Pharmacy Network Dedicated to Pharmacoepidemiological Surveys
- 2008. ISPOR Annual International Meeting – Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaires in Asthma and Other Chronic Diseases
- 2006. ISPOR European Congress – Development of a Questionnaire Assessing Patient Satisfaction with Eye Drops in Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma
- 2006. ISPOR European Congress – Validation of the Mode of Administration of the Medication Compliance Questionnaire
- 2006. ISPOR European Congress – Improving the Persistence of Patients Undergoing Sublingual Immunotherapy: Scoring and Validation of a Patient-Management Tool
- 2006. ISPOR European Congress – Satisfaction with Iron Chelation Therapy and its Impact on Adherence in Patients with Beta Thalassemia Major: Results from the Ithaca Study
- 2006. ISPOR European Congress – Development and Scoring of the Satisfaction with Iron Chelation Therapy Instrument for Patients with Iron Overload
- 2005. ISPOR European Congress – Patient Satisfaction: Psychometric Validation of the OAB-S, an Overactive Bladder Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire
- 2005. ISPOR European Congress – Patient Satisfaction: International Development, Translatability Assessment and Linguistic Validation of the OAB-S, an Overactive Bladder Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire
- 2005. ISPOR European Congress – The Development of a Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Iron Overload (IO) Patients on Chelation Therapy (CT)
- 2005. ISPOR European Congress – Development and Evaluation of the Ask Adherence Barrier Survey in Patients with Chronic Conditions